The Advocacy and Policy project was created to identify opportunities to contribute to policy change that incorporates the latest research on ACEs and resilience.
During COVID 19 in support of city workers and residents, as we all navigated the #COVID-19 #ShutDown #StayHome followed by #ReturnToWorkplace #ReOpening, the workgroup members are sponsoring a series of virtual cafes to help #TakeCarePHL, for city workers and residents, that are open to anyone.
These virtual cafes are designed to relax and practice tools for home and workplace that individuals and organizations can use to help reduce stress.
The Secondary Traumatic Stress Workgroup is gathering tools that are used by City Departments, Unions, and other Workplaces that can be shared across our city to help build wellness in our workforce, caregivers, and community and to reduce the risk of traumatic stress. We redirect our current longer term work towards making available the virtual cafes.
Have you wondered how Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS), ACEs and Community Resilience are linked? If you read the recent news articles highlighting the pain endured by Philadelphia Police officers, SEPTA train operators, Teachers, and Substance Use Professionals, you can see the impact STS has and its potentially preventable negative outcomes. Supporting workplace health supports healthy communities and reduces likelihood of events leading to ACEs - it is "trauma preventive."